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The Free Plan is perfect for those who need basic notifications without any cost.
$10 $5
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ICBC Road Test Finder helps you find the earliest available road test slots at ICBC locations. You select your preferred locations, provide your email, and we notify you when an earlier spot is available.
You should subscribe for notifications again using the same email address. We'll update your preferences accordingly.
Yes, we take your privacy and data security seriously. All personal information, including your email address, is encrypted and used solely for notification purposes.
Notifications are sent instantly as soon as we detect an earlier available road test spot. This ensures you have the best chance to book the slot before it is taken.
Yes, you can select multiple ICBC road test locations. We will monitor all selected locations and notify you if an earlier spot becomes available at any of them.
You can reach our support team via email at support@icbc-road-test-finder.ca. We are here to help!